So yes, it is true, I have finally graduated from pharmacy school!!! I am so happy to be done with it all. Just have to get through the boards (and pass) and I will be home free. On another note, I have already started my first job I will have as a pharmacist. So far so good...I love it. Will I probably love it in a few The best part is when you are learning all the new stuff and the days fly by. Do I think I will like my job more then other people like theirs....yes for sure. I am a dork and I do like what I went to school for so I hope that sustains me for the next 20+ years of working!
On another note....the diet went splat. The last couple weeks have been hectic with graduation and starting a new job and a million different things. So I am officially starting my diet and exercise plan today. And the best part...I have a friend who is going to do it with me! So hopefully I can get my butt in shape quickly. My dad has done it in 4 months, so why can't I? My mom has done it in like 6 months, so why can't I? I don't want to be the only one left behind. I think it might be a little easier now that I am settling into a routine and job that I can plan my workouts and my eating schedule better. Cross your fingers for me! I don't want to go into my 30s feeling like a lump of lard. :)
And now for the important part....Stella update. She is getting so big now. She is such a big girl. Eats snacks all by herself (see messy picture below). She is also sitting up on her own now. She hardly falls over at all. We have also moved up to the regular bathtub for baths. Still waiting on the crawling...she doesn't have much desire to get up and go yet. We will see. In the meantime...check out the new pictures of my girl!
Cute outfit her Grammy Lisa gave her for Easter.
Hanging out on the beach on out playmat.
Too cool with our sunglasses at the beach.
Messy feeding herself face.
First "big girl" bath time!
OMG! I love that beach picture! Sooo cute!